State of the Forest

State of the Forests 2013

This new edition of the State of the Forest could not have seen the light of day without the contributions of numerous authors and readers who have devoted considerable time and energy to refining it. Financial contributions of the European Union, Norway, the United States of America, Germany, France, Canada and FAO must also be underlined.

The report represents the collaborative effort of over 150 individuals from a diversity of institutions and the forestry administrations of the Central African countries. Part of the data reported on in the SOF 2013 is collected by national groups (four to ten individuals working within the forestry administrations). The data are usually validated during national workshops attended by government officials as well as representatives of environmental NGOs, the private sector and development projects. The data provided an important basis for the authors of the 10 chapters of the 2013 Edition. The chapters were reviewed and commented by a large panel of experts (notably during the workshop that was held 21-22 March, 2013 in Douala).

The required citation is:
The Forests of the Congo Basin - State of the Forest 2013. Eds : de Wasseige C., Flynn J., Louppe D., Hiol Hiol F., Mayaux Ph. – 2014. Weyrich. Belgium. 328 p. Legal deposit : D/2014/8631/42 ISBN : 978-2-87489-299-8

The report is divided into four main sections:

  • Section I: The Central African Forests: Regional synthesis of monitoring indicators;
  • Section II: Climate change in Central Africa;
  • Section III: Forested areas other than dense humid forest;
  • Section IV: Land use in Central Africa.

Full report 2013 Full report 2013

Table of Content, List of contributors, Acronyms, Preface and Introduction Table of Content, List of contributors, Acronyms, Preface and Introduction

Section I: The Central African Forests: Regional synthesis of monitoring indicators

Chap.1: Evolution of forest cover at a national and regional scale and drivers of change Evolution of forest cover at a national and regional scale and drivers of change

Chap.2: The logging industry and management of natural forests: Tropical timber and the forests of Central Africa in the face of market trends The logging industry and management of natural forests: Tropical timber and the forests of Central Africa in the face of market trends

Chap.3: Biodiversity conservation and management Biodiversity conservation and management

Section II: Climate change in Central Africa

Chap.4: Climate change and adaptation in Central Africa: past, scenarios and options for the future Climate change and adaptation in Central Africa: past, scenarios and options for the future

Chap.5: REDD+: Progress and challenges REDD+: Progress and challenges

Section III: Forested areas other than dense humid forest

Chap.6: The forest areas of the savannas and steppes of Central Africa The forest areas of the savannas and steppes of Central Africa

Chap.7: Agroforestry and tree domestication in Central Africa Agroforestry and tree domestication in Central Africa

Chap.8: Forest plantations in Central Africa: new forms of forestry to meet new business needs Forest plantations in Central Africa: new forms of forestry to meet new business needs

Section IV: Land use in Central Africa

Chap.9: Allocation and use of forest land: current trends, issues and perspectives Allocation and use of forest land: current trends, issues and perspectives

Chap.10: Rural societies and multiple land use practices: perceptions of conservation and development projects within the framework of multiple land use systems in Central Africa Rural societies and multiple land use practices: perceptions of conservation and development projects within the framework of multiple land use systems in Central Africa

Bibliographie Bibliographie

Annexes Annexes