Improving Loggerhead turtle’s protection through civil society involvement in Santa Luzia and São Vicente islands
Informations générales

dernière mise à jour:    2020-11-19 16:06:59

Improving Loggerhead turtle’s protection through civil society involvement in Santa Luzia and São Vicente islands
Programme lié

dernière mise à jour:    2020-11-19 14:47:58


dernière mise à jour:    2020-11-19 14:56:01

Objectif général

Secure, enhance the protection and increase the surveillance and reporting rates of crimes against protected species of turtles in Santa Luzia and in São Vicente
Objectif spécifique
Civil society (general public and fishermen communities) as well as local authorities will be strongly engaged on this project for an immediate and effective protection measures against poaching, and to mitigate the plastic pollution impacts over the survival of nesting Loggerhead turtles in Santa Luzia island
Résultat attendu
Activité / Indicateur
One phone number is open to exclusively report crimes against turtles. Offences are identified, numbered and made public by Biosfera
Activité / Indicateur
At least 30 volunteers from Ponta d´Pom are aware of the SOS Turtle number and will report any suspicious activities
Activité / Indicateur
At least 80 volunteers are involved on turtle monitoring and cleaning beach campaigns
Activité / Indicateur
2 km2 of the beach of Achados is more accessible to nesting turtles due to the plastic removal
Activité / Indicateur
8 km of beach monitored and protected for Loggerheads
Activité / Indicateur
2 television reports, 6 radio broadcasts and 2 newspaper news mentioning the SOS Turtle number
Activité / Indicateur
At least 2 meetings are organized by Biosfera with governmental entities and local authorities (DNA, Ministry of Marine Economy- MEM, Coastal Guard, National Police Corps).     

dernière mise à jour:    2020-11-19 15:02:07

1 - 2271

39 988,00
Fonds publics
Fonds propres
Collectivités locales
Localisation (zone d’activités)

dernière mise à jour:    2020-11-19 15:06:58

Niveau Localisation
Domaines d’intervention

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Domaine principal Domaine secondaire Activités générales
Biodiversité / Conservation
["Gestion de la biodiversité","Lutte anti-braconnage","Haute valeur de conservation"]
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact

dernière mise à jour:    2020-11-19 15:07:51