Support of the transboundary national park BSB Yamoussa
Informations générales

dernière mise à jour:    2021-01-28 23:21:29

Support of the transboundary national park BSB Yamoussa
Support of the transboundary national park BSB Yamoussa
Programme lié

dernière mise à jour:    2021-01-05 13:40:08


dernière mise à jour:    2021-01-05 10:18:52

Objectif général

The BSB Yamoussa protected area complex is sustainably managed and conserved.
Objectif spécifique
Résultat attendu
The populations / distribution of species for which the BSB Yamoussa National Park Complex is known (elephants, lions, eland and other large antelopes) are stabilized.
Activité / Indicateur
The populations / distribution of species for which the BSB Yamoussa National Park Complex is known (elephants, lions, eland and other large antelopes) are stabilized.
Résultat attendu
For the hunting zones (Cameroon) and the transit zone (Chad) of the BSB Yamoussa complex, there are 4 signed gender-sensitive management plans or 1 user agreement, each containing a participatory agreed land use plan.
Activité / Indicateur
For the hunting zones (Cameroon) and the transit zone (Chad) of the BSB Yamoussa complex, there are 4 signed gender-sensitive management plans or 1 user agreement, each containing a participatory agreed land use plan.
Résultat attendu
70% of the agriculturally used areas N in the hunting zones of the BSB Yamoussa are integrated into the respective officially approved 4 management plans.
Activité / Indicateur
70% of the agriculturally used areas N in the hunting zones of the BSB Yamoussa are integrated into the respective officially approved 4 management plans.
Résultat attendu
In the 11 villages selected for sample surveys, median family incomes increased by 10% overall, while the median income of families involved in project interventions was 20% higher than that of the overall village population.
Activité / Indicateur
In the 11 villages selected for sample surveys, median family incomes increased by 10% overall, while the median income of families involved in project interventions was 20% higher than that of the overall village population.
Résultat attendu
Joint binational patrols are conducted on a regular basis, according to the requirements of the signed special anti-poaching agreement (protocol spécifique Lutte Anti Braconnage) between Cameroon and Chad.
Activité / Indicateur
Joint binational patrols are conducted on a regular basis, according to the requirements of the signed special anti-poaching agreement (protocol spécifique Lutte Anti Braconnage) between Cameroon and Chad.

dernière mise à jour:    2021-01-28 23:21:29

1 - 866

7 000 000,00
Fonds publics
Dépenses budgétaires
Institution internationale
Localisation (zone d’activités)

dernière mise à jour:    2021-01-05 15:32:56

Niveau Localisation
Aires protégées
Bouba Ndjida
Aires protégées
Sena Oura
Domaines d’intervention

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Domaine principal Domaine secondaire Activités générales
Aménagement / Planification
["Gestion durable"]
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact
Biodiversité / Conservation
["Aires protégées","CBD et autres conventions","Gestion de la biodiversité"]
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact
Économie / Législation / Gouvernance
["Développement local","Participation de la société civile"]
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact

dernière mise à jour:    2021-01-05 17:15:01