Conservation of the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) in Nigeria and Cameroon - A five-year cooperative agreement 2017-2022 between the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Wildlife Conservation Society
Informations générales

dernière mise à jour:    2019-03-01 10:07:04

Conservation of the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) in Nigeria and Cameroon - A five-year cooperative agreement 2017-2022 between the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Wildlife Conservation Society
Funding is intended for full 5 years of the project but the award is obligated year by year based on annual submission of workplan and budget
Programme lié

dernière mise à jour:    2019-03-01 10:05:26

Objectif général

To build upon the successes of the previous 5-year cooperative agreement to secure the Cross River gorilla population – Africa’s most threatened great ape – through an effective network of core protected areas and corridors across of the Afi-Kagwene landscape, managed in collaboration with local communities and government officials, and with the potential to expand into adjacent currently unoccupied habitat once the levels of disturbance have been controlled.
Objectif spécifique
Reducing the illegal killing of Cross River gorillas to zero;
Objectif spécifique
Developing a research and monitoring program to guide conservation and improve impact measurement;
Objectif spécifique
Effectively coordinating conservation activities among all partners
Objectif spécifique
Building sufficient capacity and strengthening stewardship to ensure that conservation of Cross River gorillas can be achieved.

dernière mise à jour:    2019-03-01 10:05:40

1 - 690

350 000,00
Fonds publics
Institution internationale
Currently one year of funding has been obligated, the intention is to fund the project for a total of 5 years through 2022 at a similar level per year
Localisation (zone d’activités)

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-14 15:44:08

Niveau Localisation
Afrique Centrale
Domaines d’intervention

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-14 15:46:28

Domaine principal Domaine secondaire Activités générales
Biodiversité / Conservation
Aires protégées,Gestion de la chasse,Gestion de la faune sauvage
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact