Monitoring of the sea turtle nesting beaches by the creation of the Marine National Park of Manyange na Elombo Campo (Cameroon, south zone) and improvement of the knowledge of the teachers of the Ecole de Faune de Garoua (Garoua Wildlife College).
Informations générales

dernière mise à jour:    2019-03-13 16:28:56

Monitoring of the sea turtle nesting beaches by the creation of the Marine National Park of Manyange na Elombo Campo (Cameroon, south zone) and improvement of the knowledge of the teachers of the Ecole de Faune de Garoua (Garoua Wildlife College).
Programme lié

dernière mise à jour:    2019-03-13 16:25:19

Objectif général

To continue community-based conservation programs along 25 km of nesting beaches with the proposed Marine Protected Area (MPA) of Manange na Elombo Campo and to support Cameroon’s Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) in the creation of the MPA.
Objectif spécifique
To protect nests and nesting females from poaching and strengthen capacity for management of the MPA.
Résultat attendu
Nests and nesting females are protected from poaching and strengthen capacity for management of the MPA. Project activities include:
Activité / Indicateur
Community-based patrols at eight nesting sites covering about 10 km within the proposed MPA and relocation of threatened nests to hatcheries;
Activité / Indicateur
An assessment of marine turtle bycatch from gill nets at landing sites
Activité / Indicateur
A five-day conservation training seminar for 10 teachers and assistants at Garoua Wildlife College to support capacity building for management of the MPA
Activité / Indicateur
Technical advice and support to MINFOF for creation and management of the MPA.

dernière mise à jour:    2019-03-13 16:21:23

1 - 1409

19 920,00
Fonds publics
Institution internationale
The budget indicated here refers only to the portion of the total project budget funded by USFWS
Localisation (zone d’activités)

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-21 21:52:21

Niveau Localisation
Aires protégées
Manyange na Elombo-Campo
Domaines d’intervention

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-22 16:49:26

Domaine principal Domaine secondaire Activités générales
Biodiversité / Conservation
Gestion de la biodiversité
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact