Conserving Gabon’s endangered sea turtles
Informations générales

dernière mise à jour:    2019-03-13 15:08:56

Conserving Gabon’s endangered sea turtles
Programme lié

dernière mise à jour:    2019-03-13 15:06:07

Objectif général

To conserve the largest leatherback nesting population in the world and the largest olive ridley nesting population in the Atlantic, both centered in Gabon. The project is intended to address threats on the nesting beaches from poaching, light pollution, and logs which entrap nesting females and hatchlings and in some cases prevent nesting females from nesting on more suitable sites above the high tides; and to reduce sea turtle fisheries bycatch from fish and shrimp trawls, longline fishing vessels, and artisanal fishers.
Objectif spécifique
Assisting with training of on-board observers for trawl and long-line fishing vessels;
Objectif spécifique
Assisting with Turtle Excluder Device (TED) testing for fish trawls and shrimp trawler TED inspections;
Objectif spécifique
Working with Benga community fishers to better address artisanal fishery bycatch issues;
Objectif spécifique
Removing logs on major nesting beaches;
Objectif spécifique
Conducting ground monitoring, including night patrols, to protect nests from poaching, and relocating nests threatened by high tides on National Parks and Reserves, which account for 80 percent of nesting activity within Gabon;
Objectif spécifique
Conducting annual aerial surveys of nesting beaches to monitor long-term nesting trends
Objectif spécifique
Implementing public outreach and awareness activities in schools, villages, and urban environments, including a National Turtle Day celebration in the capitol and four other major cities or towns.

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-21 22:10:13

1 - 690

333 055,00
Fonds publics
The budget indicated here refers only to the portion of the total budget funded by USFWS
Localisation (zone d’activités)

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-21 22:06:43

Niveau Localisation
Domaines d’intervention

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-22 16:57:08

Domaine principal Domaine secondaire Activités générales
Biodiversité / Conservation
Gestion de la faune sauvage
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact