Governing Multifunctional landscapes in Sub-Saharan Africa: Managing Trade-Offs between Social and Ecological Impacts
Informations générales

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-30 11:02:03

Governing Multifunctional landscapes in Sub-Saharan Africa: Managing Trade-Offs between Social and Ecological Impacts
The project will address key knowledge, technical and policy gaps related to i) monitoring the global impacts of the FLEGT Action Plan, and ii) forest and land governance, forest and nutrition, trade in informal and illegal timber products, deforestation-related commodity-based agribusiness, woodfuel and ultimately sustainable forest and land-use management and improvement of livelihoods.
Programme lié

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-28 14:31:53

Objectif général

To address key knowledge, technical and policy gaps related to forest and land governance, forest and nutrition, trade in informal and illegal timber products, deforestation-related commodity-based agribusiness, woodfuel and ultimately sustainable forest and land-use management and improvement of livelihoods.
Objectif spécifique
Work on the impacts of commodity-based agribusiness and smallholder production on forests and people’s livelihoods
Résultat attendu
• Relevant state (e.g. local, national and regional governments) and non-state actors (e.g. private sector, practitioners and consumers) are equipped with knowledge, tools, and policy and regulatory options to reduce the forest footprint and enhance the inclusiveness of particular PCSs • Relevant state and non-state actors are engaged in informed multi-stakeholder dialogues to identify policy priorities, responsibilities and implementation mechanism
Activité / Indicateur
• Complete an inventory and analysis of existing spatial datasets on temporal land-use change patterns in Cameroon, Ghana and Mozambique and country-disaggregated data on deforestation embodied in international trade and consumption • Conduct research in at least four deforestation hotspots in each country to quantify the impact of different agricultural commodities and end markets on deforestation • Analyse the dynamics and governance of select PCSs in at least two deforestation hotspots per country, including the role of different types of actors, markets, and capital sources in driving expansion • Identify alternative governance options (e.g. industry standards, fiscal instruments, [territorial] certification, and public–private governance arrangements) and business models to reduce the forest footprint of agricultural commodity expansion in target countries, including analysis of potential risks and opportunities for smallholder inclusion • Carry out consultations with diverse stakeholder groups (e.g. industry, smallholder representatives, civil society organizations, multi-stakeholder platforms and consumer and producer country governments) to evaluate the viability of alternative governance options and identify suitable implementation mechanisms linked to national policy dialogues • Recommend agricultural sector programs to minimize the impact on deforestation
Objectif spécifique
Work on the EU FLEGT Action Plan, VPAs and associated development agendas
Résultat attendu
• EC and the VPA countries are provided with information that they can use to improve the design of the system, such that it can achieve the goal of eliminating illegal timber trade while improving livelihoods and environmental outcomes
Activité / Indicateur
• Construct independent but interlinked VPA and FLEGT licensing Theories of Change (ToC), linking VPA and FLEGT licensing to potential changes in five areas o Append FLEGT licensing ToC to the VPA ToC o Produce first ToC at a global level o Create country-specific ToCs • Determine indicators of interest for each result area and intermediate outcomes o Include a maximum of two indicators per result area, and one per intermediate outcome o Determine methods to measure indicators o Consult global and national secondary data for information on indicators o Collect primary data collection as required • Choose countries to serve as the control group o Determine selection criteria • Design IMS o Use the ToC and the indicators for the five areas as a basis for the system o Examine historical data for long-term trends, using 2017 as the baseline year o Produce dashboard • Conduct ex-ante and ex-post impact assessments of VPA and FLEGT licensing o Elucidate the reasons for any evidence/non-evidence of impact by using more rigorous impact evaluation methods to examine countries in depth o Consider:  Impact on all five areas of interest.  Implementation integrity – institutional effectiveness (process evaluation) examining implementing bodies, legality assurance systems, etc.  Intermediate outcomes (impact evaluation) o Develop methods to determine causality, dependent on data availability and budget constraints o Establish baseline from the first results of the IMS together with intermediate outcomes data
Objectif spécifique
Work on innovative financing for sustainable land use
Résultat attendu
• The TLF host institution and aggregators in at least one pilot country are equipped with knowledge and tools to facilitate lending, management and sustainability verification of a portfolio of pilot loans issued with effect from 2017 • SMVSs will be developed and tested in one pilot country by the end of 2016 for subsequent scaling-up • A web-based portal with database created to provide information on bankable sustainable land-use practices (at least 50 scientifically proven cases) • Securitization software tested in one pilot country based on portfolio of pilot loans • First-loss guarantees secured for pilot activities, initially in one country • Additional funding leveraged from both public and private sources to expand operations in at least three other countries in each region by 2019 • Effective synergies achieved notably with other Strategic Areas of Work to facilitate transitions to more sustainable and equitable production systems in the pilot countries
Activité / Indicateur
• Develop an open access database for potential investors of sustainable agricultural, agroforestry and forestry practices, and attendant risks • Research, design and test a simplified sustainability verification system • Test and develop an open access securitization software based on a portfolio of pilot loans
Objectif spécifique
Work on forests and food security and nutrition – the role and importance of foods from the forests
Résultat attendu
• Systematic review protocol and full review will be published • Scientific publication on the relative contribution of forest animal foods, insects and fish to meeting dietary requirements produced • Policy dialogue promoted in two countries on sustainable forestry, wildlife and fish management, food security and nutrition • Congo Basin multi-stakeholder platform on forests and food security and nutrition established to bring together those working in forestry, conservation, fisheries and nutrition, as well as local communities • Relevant state and non-state institutions provided with new knowledge and policy options to promote sustainable use of wild meat, insects and fish for food security and nutrition
Activité / Indicateur
• Conduct a systematic review on the relative contributions of wild meat, insects and fish to local diets • Conduct dietary recall surveys of approximately 2400 mothers with children under 5 years in five regions (600 in each region) across the Congo Basin during both wet and dry seasons • Host national stakeholder meetings to disseminate project results and discuss the importance of animal source foods in local diets and the need for nutrition-sensitive forest, wildlife and fisheries policies
Objectif spécifique
Work on informal Woodfuels Markets
Résultat attendu
• Improved evidence and analysis of woodfuels supply and demand in domestic, cross-border and global value chains • A simple tracking and monitoring system for domestic woodfuels value chains established involving government, civil society and the private sector • Improved organizational and technical capacities of domestic producers, traders and government officials for: o understanding the dynamics of woodfuels value chains o coping with new woodfuel regulatory frameworks o promoting new or strengthening existing multi-stakeholder platforms • Improved information on which state and non-state stakeholders can base new policy options, adopt improved regulations and standards, and identify and access new markets
Activité / Indicateur
• Conduct research to understand the evolution, and current cost and benefit structure of domestic, cross-border and international value chains of woodfuels (firewood and charcoal) • Analyse the supply and demand of woodfuels in 3–5 big cities in Central and West Africa, including mapping woodfuel supply basins • Identify constraints in woodfuel value chains to help improve the opportunities for women (individually and as collectives), and small and medium enterprises to access and benefit from existing and potential new markets • Conduct a review to assess the implications of the new transnational regulatory frameworks in the context of state-led efforts to develop non-traditional agricultural export commodities • Conduct a review of the state of, and trade-offs among, the multiple values and functions of agroforestry landscapes, given the growing pressures to mechanize agriculture and meet rural energy needs in selected countries • Develop and test new policy options, and promote improved regulations and standards
Objectif spécifique
Enhance the governance of protected areas for joint conservation and development outcomes
Résultat attendu
• New standards of protected area management • New initiatives for agro-product standards (certification) linked to protected areas • Increased awareness among protected area managers of how governance approaches affect conservation and development outcomes, generally, and for different social groups, including women, in particular • Increased awareness and reflection among protected area managers of options and measures for mitigating conservation–development trade-offs • Enhanced debate and dialogue among researchers, practitioners, donors and the private sector on the roles of governance arrangements in mitigating trade-offs
Activité / Indicateur
• Complete a review of relevant documents such as legal and policy frameworks, conservation strategies and management plans in order to analyse protected area governance structures and arrangements • Conduct reviews of at least one targeted country, such as Namibia, where governance regimes have yielded well-documented successes in addressing conservation–development trade-offs • Generate evidence of actual outcomes and governance/institutional drivers through field studies deploying mixed methods (such as intra-household interviews, interviews with relevant agency officials and managers at multiple levels, ecological studies to evaluate landscape-level trends in forest degradation, biodiversity status and ecosystem services) • Analyse institutions at landscape level, incorporating descriptions of: o formal and informal institutions that control the human activities in each protected area o of the way tasks and responsibilities are allocated among levels of government o the role of diverse actors protected area management • Conduct gender analysis to identify whether, and how, the implementation of protected area governance arrangements may affect interactions among men and women • Host scenario development workshops to formulate options and action plans in support of joint conservation–development outcomes • Host knowledge-sharing and exchange workshops to support lesson learning among protected area managers of effective governance arrangements • Develop tools and guidebooks to support capacity development of protected area managers • Assess alternative models for protecting and conserving threatened habitats and species, narrowing the trade-offs between conservation and livelihoods/development outcomes

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-30 11:02:03

1 - 750

11 074 500,00
Fonds privés
Institution internationale
Localisation (zone d’activités)

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-28 14:34:12

Niveau Localisation
Amérique Latine
Domaines d’intervention

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Domaine principal Domaine secondaire Activités générales
Économie / Législation / Gouvernance
Économie forestière,FLEGT,Législation forestière,Poltique forestière,Développement local
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact

dernière mise à jour:    2019-01-28 14:36:41

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