Ensuring the long-term protection of Conkouati Douli National Park, Republic of Congo: A Five Year Cooperative Agreement between the USFWS and WCS
Informations générales

last update:    2019-03-07 11:51:33

Ensuring the long-term protection of Conkouati Douli National Park, Republic of Congo: A Five Year Cooperative Agreement between the USFWS and WCS
Programme lié

last update:    2019-03-07 11:19:35

Objectif général

To support a conservation effort in Conkouati Douli National Park, Republic of Congo, by improving park management, protection and capacity. The project is intended to primarily conserve the park’s populations of forest elephants, chimpanzees, gorillas, coastal dolphins, leatherback and olive ridley sea turtles and large monkeys, as well as other threatened and iconic forest and aquatic species such as pangolins and manatees. This agreement will address hunting for the commercial bushmeat trade, poaching for ivory, illegal fishing, and other key threats to wildlife via five main objectives: control of illegal killing and park encroachment on land, control of illegal killing and bycatch in park waters, development of a better evidence base to adaptively manage park activities, improvement of community support of the park, and enhancement of management capacity to implement and oversee important park programs.
Objectif spécifique
ecoguard patrols to protect the terrestrial portion of the park, including training and equipment;
Objectif spécifique
Support for a Wildlife Crime Unit to ensure arrests and confiscations lead to fair trials and prosecutions;
Objectif spécifique
Engagement with extractive industries to promote better management practices and to remain vigilant of illegal activities or encroachment;
Objectif spécifique
Patrols in marine waters to reduce illegal killing and bycatch;
Objectif spécifique
Support for a net compensation program to release sea turtles accidentally caught in local fishermen’s nets;
Objectif spécifique
Implementation of a law enforcement monitoring system (i.e., SMART) to more effectively plan patrol effort and evaluate performance;
Objectif spécifique
Continuation of a beach monitoring program to maintain a low poaching level of sea turtle nests;
Objectif spécifique
Improvements to ecotourism infrastructure to generate more revenue for communities and creation of a community development strategy and better revenue-sharing scheme to decrease incentives for community members engaged in illegal activities in the park;
Objectif spécifique
Expansion of a rural outreach program to improve environmental awareness among youth;
Objectif spécifique
Support for park operations, including equipment and logistics, and exploration of a private-public partnership to ensure the park management unit has sufficient personnel and operational capacity to implement and oversee key conservation activities.

last update:    2019-03-07 11:21:13

1 - 690

619 602,00
Fonds publics
Institution internationale
Localisation (zone d’activités)

last update:    2019-01-22 05:24:57

Niveau Localisation
Aires protégées
Domaines d’intervention

last update:    2019-01-22 18:21:42

Domaine principal Domaine secondaire Activités générales
Biodiversité / Conservation
Aires protégées,Gestion de la biodiversité,Lutte anti-braconnage
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact