The dynamics and governance of Uganda’s informal timber value chains: Identifying appropriate formalization options
Informations générales

last update:    2019-01-30 10:52:32

The dynamics and governance of Uganda’s informal timber value chains: Identifying appropriate formalization options
Programme lié

last update:    2019-01-29 15:04:00

Objectif général

To contribute towards improving regulatory and policy frameworks governing timber value chains in Uganda that support sustainable and inclusive development objectives.
Objectif spécifique
To better to equip local, national and regional civil society organisations and government agencies with the necessary knowledge to develop and implement evidence-based policies and strategies that support appropriate formalization of informal timber value chains, while contributing to sustainable and inclusive development – with a particular focus on gender-equity - in Uganda and the regional timber economy.
Résultat attendu
Knowledge generation and learning: scope of domestic timber sector and its dynamics and potential impacts on forest management and livelihoods, as well as the role that current national and regional policies have in shaping those dynamics, are analysed. Particular attention will be paid on understanding how recent forest tenure reforms influence interact timber value chains and future projections as tenure reforms are scaled-up across the country.
Activité / Indicateur
1.1 Develop, with partners and key actors, a methodology for gender-sensitive data collection and analysis. 1.2 Collect sex-disaggregated data on the extent and dynamics of the timber value chain. 1.3 Prepare, with partners and collaborators, a national case study describing the extent, dynamics, inclusiveness and policy and political constraints of the timber value chain, with a characterisation of its different segments. 1.4 Apply the GCS Tenure Conceptual Framework in analysing the role of forest tenure reforms on domestic timber production with a particular attention on emerging and expanding private forestry by local residents.
Résultat attendu
Development of policy options: institutional and political opportunities and barriers, and their background market conditions for better regulating the timber value chain are assessed; a menu of instruments, systems and policy options that could be considered in national and regional negotiations, and that foster the improved regulation and integration of the domestic sector while promoting sustainable forest management, forest tenure security, gender-equity, and improved livelihood options, is identified and assessed with national partners.
Activité / Indicateur
2.1 Assess the main political, institutional, social and technical barriers to the integration of the informal or illegal segments of the timber value chain into the formal economy. 2.2 Assess and define the national circumstances under which different policy options can work in Uganda. 2.3 Prepare a document with policy options and trade-offs for the integration of the timber value chain into the formal economy.
Résultat attendu
Outreach, dissemination and capacity building: a theory of change (ToC) is finalised with partners at the inception meeting; capacity will be built through the integration of Bachelor and Master’s degree students in all phases of the project and through a series of workshops organised in targeted localities with local smallholders and operators where illegal harvesting is particularly severe, as well as training of and technical support to research recipients in operationalizing recommendations and methodological frameworks. Acquired knowledge and data, and identified policy options, shared within Uganda and EAC countries, and internationally.
Activité / Indicateur
3.1 Organise 1 national end-of-project conference in Uganda to discuss policy options and trade-offs, and to sustain momentum for reform. 3.2 Present case studies, comparative analyses and models, and engage key actors through broadcast media formats, relevant international, regional and national events, ad-hoc national meetings and publications. All products will be translated into as many relevant languages as funds allow. 3.4 Solicit feedback on methods from actors and train partners to use those methods. 3.5 Integrate BSc and Master’s degree students in all phases of the project. 3.6 Organise meetings with smallholders (women and men) and local operators to prepare and test the methodological approach. 3.7 Organise periodic national consultations in Uganda to regularly engage key actors in discussing preliminary results and experiences, and to advance policy options.
Résultat attendu
Project management: The parallel implementation of activities within WPs optimised with timely delivery of outputs; timely and coherent budget management assured.
Activité / Indicateur
4.1 Establish project Advisory Committee comprising all project partners (and staff from ADA if available). 4.2 Establish project management unit. 4.3 Establish with the ADA a commonly agreed specific system for liaising (reporting and

last update:    2019-01-30 10:52:32

1 - 750

500 000,00
Fonds privés
Institution internationale
Localisation (zone d’activités)

last update:    2019-01-29 15:16:50

Niveau Localisation
East Africa
Domaines d’intervention

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Domaine principal Domaine secondaire Activités générales
Économie / Législation / Gouvernance
Économie forestière,Législation forestière,Poltique forestière
Appui technique
Travaux de terrain
Appui institutionnel
Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact

last update:    2019-01-29 15:23:33