Forest Concessions

Forest Concessions

Forest concessions have undergone major changes in the Congo Basin over the past twenty years. They have contributed substantially to sustainable forest management and have made it possible to compensate for governments’ limited management capacities. They have also ensured that the timber sector remains sustainable and increased its contributions to national economies and local growth.

To browse indicators on Central Africa’s forest concessions, Click here

Some key figures :

  • 50 million ha under concession (2016), stable since 2006, in an area of dense rainforest spanning 171 million ha
  • 371 concessions, each with an average area of 133,000 ha
  • 24 million ha with management plans in 2016 (half of concession areas)
  • 8.8 million ha certified, including 5.6 million ha certified by FSC
Congo Basin forest management and certification map - April 2018

Indicators by concession

Allocated forest concessions Managed concessions Certified concessions (1)
Area (ha) Number Average Area (ha) Area (ha) %(1) Area (ha) %(1)
Cameroon 6 281 212 105 59 821 5 522 682 88% 3 609 931 57%
Congo 13 913 699 50 278 274 5 555 629 40% 3 211 003 23%
North Congo 8 891 773 19 467 988 4 410 557 50% 3 211 003 36%
South Congo 5 021 926 31 161 998 1 145 072 23% 0 0%
Gabon 14 197 038 97 146 361 9 469 504 67% 2 033 627 14%
Equatorial Guinea 740 122 48 15 419 0 0% 0 0%
Central African Republic (CAR) 3 698 531 14 264 181 3 023 880 82% 0 0%
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) 10 762 055 57 188 808 775 713 7% 0 0%
Total 49 592 657 371 247 063 24 347 408 49% 8 854 561 18%