Evaluating the impact of long-term field projects and anti-poaching patrols on local populations of bonobos: a bottom-up approach for evidence-based bonobo conservation.
Informations générales
dernière mise à jour: 2019-03-14 10:48:04
Evaluating the impact of long-term field projects and anti-poaching patrols on local populations of bonobos: a bottom-up approach for evidence-based bonobo conservation.
Programme lié
dernière mise à jour: 2019-03-14 10:23:15
Objectif général
To evaluate the population density of bonobos and other wildlife and monitor the status of human encroachment activities. in order to develop a conservation strategy for bonobos in a forest area of the buffer zone of Salonga National Park
Objectif spécifique
This will be done by assesing the population density of bonobos and other wildlife in a region of about 500 km2, evaluating the frequency and nature of human encroachment within the 500 km2 area, and modeling the impact of the long-term field project and anti-poaching patrol activities on the local bonobo population in order to develop an evidence-based conservation strategy.
dernière mise à jour: 2019-03-14 10:24:05
1 - 1378
53 170,00
Fonds publics
Institution internationale
The budget indicated here refers only to the portion of the total project budget funded by USFWS
Localisation (zone d’activités)
dernière mise à jour: 2019-01-22 16:32:36
Niveau | Localisation | |
Domaines d’intervention
dernière mise à jour: 2019-01-22 16:32:56
Domaine principal | Domaine secondaire | Activités générales |
Biodiversité / Conservation
Gestion de la faune sauvage
Appui technique Travaux de terrain Appui institutionnel Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact Formation/Communication Recherche Etude Autres |